Zespół Kwantowych Systemów Informatyki

Zespół Kwantowych Systemów Informatyki istnieje od 2001 roku. Zajmuje się badaniami w zakresie informatyki kwantowej, głównie w zakresie kwantowych języków programowania i symulacji obliczeń kwantowych.


Członkowie zespołu: 



Weber P, Bełdowski P, Gadomski A, Domino K, Sionkowski P, Ledziński D.  2024.  Statistical method for analysis of interactions between chosen protein and chondroitin sulfate in an aqueous environment. The 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021).
Tripathy D, Touil A, Gardas B, Deffner S.  2024.  Quantum information scrambling in two-dimensional Bose–Hubbard lattices. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 34 (1.18 MB)
Bełdowski P, Weber P, Gadomski A, Sionkowski P, Kruszewska N, Domino K.  2024.  Studies of the Interaction Dynamics in Albumin–Chondroitin Sulfate Systems by Recurrence Method. The 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021).
Filus K, Domańska J, Klamka J.  2024.  Evaluating Convolutional Neural Networks via measuring similarity of their first-layer filters. 32nd International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.


Kukulski R, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2023.  On the probabilistic quantum error correction. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 69(7)
Klamka J.  2023.  Relative Exact Controllability of Fractional Linear Systems with Delays in Control. 3rd IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0 / 5.0 (ARCI’ 2023), 22-24 February 2023, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France.  (733.22 KB)
Wójcik B, Żarski M, Książek K, Miszczak J, Skibniewski MJ.  2023.  A deep learning method for hard-hat-wearing detection based on head center localization. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 71 (EA)(6)
Gardas B, Głomb P, Sadowski P, Puchała Z, Jałowiecki K, Pawela Ł, Faucoz O, Brunet P-M, Gawron P, Van Waveren M et al..  2023.  Hyper-Spectral Image Classification Using Adiabatic Quantum Computation. IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.


Korzekwa K, Puchała Z, Tomamichel M, Życzkowski K.  2022.  Encoding classical information into quantum resources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68(7)
Kundu A, Miszczak J.  2022.  Variational certification of quantum devices. Quantum Science and Technology. 7
Miszczak J.  2022.  Constructing games on networks for controlling the inequalities in the capital distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 594
Śmierzchalski T, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Trzciński T, Gardas B.  2022.  Post-Error Correction for Quantum Annealing Processor using Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2022): Lecture Notes in Computer Science .  (322.6 KB)
Marek D, Domański A, Domańska J, Szyguła J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Filus K.  2022.  Approximation Models for the Evaluation of TCP/AQM Networks. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences (BPASTS). 70(4)
Domino K, Miszczak J.  2022.  Will you infect me with your opinion? Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 608(128289)
Czapla D, Horbacz K, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2022.  A note on absolute continuity of stationary distributions of some piecewise-deterministic Markov process. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020 (ICNAAM 2020). 2425
Kaczorek T, Klamka J, Dzieliński A.  2022.  Controllability of linear convex combination of linear discrete-time fractional systems. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences. 70


Jałowiecki K, Rams M, Gardas B.  2021.  Brute-forcing spin-glass problems with CUDA. Comput. Phys. Commun. 260 (910.46 KB)
Bełdowski P, Domino K, Bełdowski D, Dobosz R.  2021.  Analysis of Protein Intramolecular and Solvent Bonding on Example of Major Synovial Fluid Component. Gadomski A. (eds) Water in Biomechanical and Related Systems. Biologically-Inspired Systems. 17:93-105.
Kruszewska N., Domino K, Weber P.  2021.  Water Behvaior Near the Lipid Bilayer. Gadomski A. (eds) Water in Biomechanical and Related Systems. Biologically-Inspired Systems. 17:107-130.
Szyguła J, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Marek D.  2021.  The IoT Gateway with Active Queue Management. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS). 31(1)
Kukulski R, Nechita I, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2021.  Generating random quantum channels. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 62
Klamka J.  2021.  Controllability of Fractional Linear Systems with Delays in Control. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. :307-330. (201.29 KB)
Klamka J.  2021.  Controllability of Fractional Linear Systems with Delays. 25th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics.  (3.44 MB)
Żarski M, Wójcik B, Książek K, Salamak M, Miszczak J.  2021.  Advances in applicable deep-learning based defect detection. 2nd Workshop on Engineering Optimization – WEO 2021.  (377.77 KB)
Wójcik B, Żarski M, Salamak M, Miszczak J.  2021.  Extracting crack characteristics from RGB-D images. 2nd Workshop on Engineering Optimization – WEO 2021.  (283.77 KB)
Kaczorek T, Klamka J.  2021.  Convex linear combination of the controllability pairs for linear systems. Control and Cybernetics. 50(4) (108.05 KB)
Klamka J.  2021.  Sterowalność układów z opóźnieniami. 49. konferencja „Zastosowania Matematyki”, Zakopane 19-25.09.2021.  (400.68 KB)


Domino K.  2020.  Multivariate cumulants in outlier detection for financial data analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 558
Ostaszewski M, Miszczak J, Sadowski P.  2020.  Geometrical versus time-series representation of data in quantum control learning. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 53(19)
Szyguła J, Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Marek D, Klamka J.  2020.   AQM mechanism with neuron tuning parameters. 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Phuket, Thailand.
Lewandowska P, Kukulski R, Pawela Ł.  2020.  Optimal representation of quantum channels. Computational Science - ICCS 2020.
Krawiec A, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2020.  Discrimination of POVMs with rank-one effects. Quantum Information Processing. 19 (402.67 KB)
Babiarz A, Czornik A, Klamka J.  2020.  On Stabilizability of Discrete Time Systems with Delay in Control. Intelligent Information and Database Systems.  (176.61 KB)
Frankiewicz A, Glos A, Grochla K, Łaskarzewski Z, Miszczak J, Połys K, Sadowski P, Strzoda A.  2020.  LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm. Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.


Domino K, Gawron P.  2019.  An algorithm for arbitrary–order cumulant tensor calculation in a sliding window of data streams. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 29(1):206.
Glos A, Miszczak J.  2019.  The role of quantum correlations in Cop and Robber game. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations. 6(1)
Korzekwa K, Czachórski S, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2019.  Distinguishing classically indistinguishable states and channels. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 52:475303.
Domino M, Domino K, Tomasz J, Pawlinski B, Gajewski Z.  2019.  The hierarchy of the features of uterine myoelectrical activity during estrus cycle in sows. 52nd Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction. 54:p.26.
Puchała Z, Rudnicki Ł, Życzkowski K.  2019.  Pauli semigroups and unistochastic quantum channels. Physics Letters A. 383(20):2376-2381.
Tomaka A A, Luchowski L, Pojda D, Tarnawski M, Domino K.  2019.  The dynamics of the stomatognathic system from 4D multimodal data. In A.Gadomski (ed.): Multiscale Locomotion: Its Active-Matter Addressing Physical Principles.
Kruszewska N., Bełdowski P, Domino K, Lambert KD.  2019.  Investigating conformation changes and network formation of mucin in joints functioning in human locomotion. In A.Gadomski (ed.): Multiscale Locomotion: Its Active-Matter Addressing Physical Principles.
Babiarz A, Klamka J.  2019.  Selected Problems of Controllability of Semilinear Fractional Systems-A Survey. Intelligent Information and Database Systems.  (235.23 KB)
Mzaouali Z, Baz MEl.  2019.  Long range quantum coherence, quantum & classical correlations in Heisenberg XX chain. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 518
Sadowski P, Pawela Ł, Lewandowska P, Kukulski R.  2019.  Quantum walks on hypergraphs. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 58


Nechita I, Puchała Z, Pawela Ł, Życzkowski K.  2018.  Almost all quantum channels are equidistant. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 59:052201.
Domino K, Gawron P, Pawela Ł.  2018.  Efficient computation of higher order cumulant tensors. SIAM J. SCI. COMPUT.. 40(3):A1610.
Glos A, Miszczak J, Ostaszewski M.  2018.  Limiting properties of stochastic quantum walks on directed graphs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 51(3)
Puchała Z, Rudnicki Ł, Krawiec A, Życzkowski K.  2018.  Majorization uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 51(17)
Korzekwa K, Czachórski S, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2018.  Coherifying quantum channels. New Journal of Physics. 20:043028.
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Marek D, Szyguła J.  2018.  GPU Accelerated Non-integer Order PI^αD^β Controller Used as AQM Mechanism. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 860:286-299.
Gardas B, Rams M, Dziarmaga J.  2018.  Quantum neural networks to simulate many-body quantum systems. Phys. Rev. B. 98:184304. (805.73 KB)
Gardas B, Dziarmaga J, Zurek W, Zwolak M.  2018.  Defects in Quantum Computers. Sci. Rep. 8:4539. (1.63 MB)
Gardas B, Ptok A.  2018.  Counting defects in quantum computers with Graphics Processing Units. J. Comput. Phys. 366:320-326. (1.04 MB)


Domino K.  2017.  The use of the multi-cumulant tensor analysis for the algorithmic optimisation of investment portfolios. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 467
Puchała Z, Miszczak J.  2017.  Symbolic integration with respect to the Haar measure on the unitary groups. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 65(1)


Gawron P, Pawela Ł.  2016.  Relativistic Quantum Pseudo-telepathy. Acta Physica Polonica B. 47:1147.
Pawela Ł.  2016.  Quantum games on evolving random networks. Physica A. 458:179–188.
Zawadzki P., Miszczak J.  2016.  A general scheme for information interception in the ping pong protocol. Advances in Mathematical Physics,. 2016:3162012.
Sadowski P, Miszczak J, Ostaszewski M.  2016.  Lively quantum walks on cycles. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 49:375302.
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J.  2016.  The use of a non-integer order PI controller with an active queue management mechanism. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 26(4):777-789.
Gardas B, Deffner S., Saxena A..  2016.  Non-hermitian quantum thermodynamics. Sci. Rep. 6:23408. (1.17 MB)
Gardas B, Deffner S, Saxena A.  2016.  PT-symmetric slowing down of decoherence. Phys. Rev. A. 94:040101. (160.32 KB)
Hille SC, Horbacz K, Szarek T, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2016.  Limit theorems for some Markov chains. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 443(1)


Blachowicz T, Ehrmann A, Zghidi H, Domino K.  2015.  Optical determination of hemp fiber structures by statistical methods. Proceedings of Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference.
Gardas B, Deffner S.  2015.  Thermodynamic universality of quantum Carnot engines. Phys. Rev. E. 92:042126. (557.62 KB)
Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2015.  Quantum control robust with respect to coupling with an external environment. Quantum Information Processing. 14:437–446.
Dunkl CF, Gawron P, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2015.  Real numerical shadow and generalized B-splines. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 479:12–51.
Zghidi H, Walczak M, Blachowicz T, Domino K, Ehrmann A.  2015.  Image Processing and Analysis of Textile Fibers by Virtual Random Walk. Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. 5:717–720.


Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2014.  Quantum control with spectral constraints. Quantum Information Processing.. 13:227–237.
Miszczak J, Sadowski P.  2014.  Quantum network exploration with a faulty sense of direction. Quantum Information & Computation. 14:1238–1250.
Gettrick MMc, Miszczak J.  2014.  Quantum walks with memory on cycles. Physica A. 399:163–170.
Domańska J, Domański A, Czachórski T, Klamka J.  2014.  Flluid flow approximation of time-limited TCP/UDP/XCP streams.. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 62:217–225.


Gardas B, Dajka J.  2013.  New symmetry in the Rabi model. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46:265302. (525.41 KB)
Gardas B, Dajka J.  2013.  Initial states of qubit–environment models leading to conserved quantities. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46:235301. (530.86 KB)
Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2013.  Exponential rate of convergence for some Markov operators. Statistics & Probability Letters. 83(10)
Puchała Z.  2013.  Local controllability of quantum systems. Quantum Information Processing. 12:459–466.
Gawron P, Kurzyk D, Puchała Z.  2013.  A model for quantum queue. International Journal of Quantum Information. 11:1350023.
Winiarczyk R, Gawron P, Miszczak J, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2013.  Analysis of patent activity in the field of quantum information processing. International Journal of Quantum Information. 11:1350007.
Pawela Ł, Sładkowski J.  2013.  Cooperative quantum Parrondo's games. Physica D. 256:51–57.
Puchała Z, Rudnicki Ł., Życzkowski K.  2013.  Majorization entropic uncertainty relations. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 46:272002.
Domański A, Domańska J, Klamka J.  2013.  Analysis of CHOKe-Family Active Queue Management. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:49–66.


Miszczak J.  2012.  Generating and using truly random quantum states in Mathematica. Computer Physics Communications. 183:118–124.
Miszczak J, Gawron P, Puchała Z.  2012.  Qubit flip game on a Heisenberg spin chain. Quantum Information Processing. 11:1571–1583.
Gawron P, Klamka J, Winiarczyk R.  2012.  Noise effects in the quantum search algorithm from the viewpoint of computational complexity. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 22:493–499.
Gardas B, Puchała Z.  2012.  Notes on the Riccati operator equation in open quantum systems. J. Math. Phys. 53:012106. (403.1 KB)
Klamka J, Tańcula J..  2012.  Analiza D-stabilności protokołu TCP-DCR.. Studia Informatica. 33:7–18.
Miszczak J.  2012.  High-level Structures for Quantum Computing. Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing. 6


Gardas B.  2011.  Exact solution of the Schrödinger equation with the spin-boson Hamiltonian. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44:195301. (496.33 KB)
Puchała Z, Miszczak J, Gawron P, Gardas B.  2011.  Experimentally feasible measures of distance between quantum operations. Quantum Information Processing. 10:1–12. (247.71 KB)
Miszczak J.  2011.  Models of quantum computation and quantum programming languages. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 59:305–324.
Gardas B, Puchała Z.  2011.  Stationary states of two-level open quantum systems. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 44:215306. (531.91 KB)
Gawron P, Głomb P, Miszczak J, Puchała Z.  2011.  Eigengestures for natural human computer interface. Man-Machine Interactions 2. :49–56.
Puchała Z, Miszczak J.  2011.  Probability measure generated by the superfidelity. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 44:405301.
Grochla K, Czachórski T, Klamka J.  2011.  Numerical Model of Tcp in 802.16 Networks Using Fluid Flow Approximation. First International Conference on Networking and Future Internet 2011 (ICNFI 2011).
Pawela Ł.  2011.  Control parameters for the quantum Deutsch algorithm. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 23:193–200.


Gardas B.  2010.  Riccati equation and the problem of decoherence. J. Math. Phys.. 51:062103. (411.64 KB)
Gawron P, Klamka J, Miszczak J, Winiarczyk R.  2010.  Extending scientific computing system with structural quantum programming capabilities. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 58:77–88.
Klamka J, Tańcula J..  2010.  Examination of robust stability of computer networks. Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks. :75–87.
Tillmanns A., Weber M.O, Błachowicz T, Pawela Ł, Kammermeier T..  2010.  Textile Magnets as Base for Micromagnetic Simulations. ECCM 2010 IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.


Miszczak J, Puchała Z, Horodecki P, Uhlmann A., Życzkowski K.  2009.  Sub- and super-fidelity as bounds for quantum fidelity. Quantum Information & Computation. 9:0103–0130.


Gawron P, Miszczak J, Sładkowski J.  2008.  Noise Effects in Quantum Magic Squares Game. International Journal of Quantum Information. 06:667.


Kosik J., Miszczak J, Buzek V..  2007.  Quantum Parrondo's game with random strategies. Journal of Modern Optics. 54:2275–228.
Winiarczyk R, Gawron P, Miszczak J.  2007.  Kompilator języka QCL QCL2QML. Studia Informatica. 28:5–18.
Klamka J.  2007.  Stochastic controllability of linear systems with delay in control.. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences.. 55:23–29.
Klamka J.  2007.  Stochastic controllability of linear systems with state delays.. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 17:5–13.


Nowak S, Węgrzyn S, Klamka J, Znamirowski L.  2006.  Systems of Informatics of the Direct Materials Production. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 18:3–14.


Gawron P, Miszczak J.  2005.  Numerical simulations of mixed state quantum computation. International Journal of Quantum Information. 3
Gawron P, Miszczak J.  2005.  Quantum Implementation of Parrondo Paradox. Fluctuation and Noise Letters. 5:L471–L478.
Miszczak J.  2005.  Description and visualisation of quantum circuits with XML. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 17
Puchała Z, Rolski T..  2005.  The exact asymptotic of the time to collision. Electronic Journal of Probability. 10:1359–1380.
Puchała Z.  2005.  Proof of Grabiner's theorem on non-colliding particles. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 25:129–132.


Węgrzyn S, Klamka J, Znamirowski L, Winiarczyk R, Nowak S.  2004.  Nano and quantum systems of informatics. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science. 52:1–10.


Klamka J, Bugajski S.  2003.  Dwu-osobowa gra kwantowa. Studia Informatica. 24:329–335.


Miszczak J.  2002.  Quantum algorithm for factorization. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14
Klamka J, Węgrzyn S, Bugajski S.  2002.  Foundation of quantum computing. Part 2. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14:93–106.
Klamka J.  2002.  Quantum search algorithm. Studia Informatica. 23:95–104.


Klamka J, Węgrzyn S, Bugajski S.  2001.  Foundations of Quantum Computing. Part 1.. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 13:97–142.


Klamka J, Węgrzyn S.  2000.  Kwantowe systemy informatyki. Studia Informatica. 21:15–45.
Klamka J, Węgrzyn S.  2000.  Quantum computing. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 12:235–246.

Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 26/08/2024 - 10:29; autor zmian: Krzysztof Grochla (kil@iitis.pl)

Zespół Kwantowych Systemów Informatyki istnieje od 2001 roku. Zajmuje się badaniami w zakresie informatyki kwantowej, głównie w zakresie kwantowych języków programowania i symulacji obliczeń kwantowych.