Horizontal Tabs



26. Nakip, M., and E. Gelenbe, "Botnet Attack Detection with Incremental Online Learning", EuroCybersec 2021, Nice, France, Springer, 2022.
27. Gelenbe, E., M. Nowak, P. Fröhlich, J. Fiolka, and J. Chęciński, "Energy, QoS and Security Aware Edge Services", EuroCybersec 2021: Springer, 2022.  (3.06 MB)
28. Gelenbe, E., M. P. Nowak, P. Fröhlich, J. Fiolka, and J. Chęciński, "Energy, QoS and Security Aware Edge Services", International ISCIS Security Workshop: Springer, 2022.
29. Gelenbe, E., M. Nakip, and T. Czachórski, "Improving Massive Access to IoT Gateways", Performance Evaluation, 08/2022.
31. Czachórski, T., E. Gelenbe, and G. Suila Kuaban, "Modelling energy changes in the energy harvesting battery of an IoT device", 30th International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2022), Nice, France, IEEE, 2022.  (1.35 MB)
33. Gelenbe, E., J. Marija, K. Dionysios, M. Anna, and V. Andras, "Security in Computer and Information Sciences", Second International Symposium, EuroCybersec 2021, Nice, France, Springer, 2022.
35. Czachórski, T., E. Gelenbe, G. Suila Kuaban, and D. Marek, "Optimizing Energy Usage for an Electric Drone", EuroCybersec 2021, vol. 1596, Nice, France, Springer, 2022.  (434.37 KB)


37. Gelenbe, E., M. Nakip, D. Marek, and T. Czachórski, "Diffusion Analysis Improves Scalability of IoTNetworks to Mitigate the Massive Access Problem", 2021 Mascots: 29th International Symposium on the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Houston, Texas, USA, IEEE, 11/2021.  (1.99 MB)
38. Gelenbe, E., "Renforcer la place des universités européennes dans le concert mondial", Revue des Electriciens et Electroniciens, vol. 2, 2021.  (2.09 MB)
39. Fröhlich, P., E. Gelenbe, and M. Nowak, "Reinforcement Learning and Energy-Aware Routing", ACM 4th FlexNets'21 Workshop, ACM SIGCOMM 2021: ACM, 2021.
40. Gelenbe, E., and M. Siavvas, "Minimizing Energy and Computation in Long-Running Software", Applied Sciences, vol. 11, issue 3, 2021.  (853.84 KB)
42. Filus, K., P. Boryszko, J. Domańska, M. Siavvas, and E. Gelenbe, "Efficient Feature Selection for Static Analysis Vulnerability Prediction", Sensors, vol. 21 (4), issue Special Issue: Security and Privacy in Software Based Critical Contexts, 2021.  (1.37 MB)
43. Filus, K., J. Domańska, and E. Gelenbe, "Random Neural Network for Lightweight Attack Detection in the IoT", MASCOTS 2020: Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, vol. 12527: Springer International Publishing, pp. 79-91, 2021.  (336.06 KB)
44. Filus, K., M. Siavvas, J. Domańska, and E. Gelenbe, "The Random Neural Network as a Bonding Model for Software Vulnerability Prediction", Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, vol. 12527: Springer International Publishing, pp. 102-116, 2021.  (690.95 KB)
45. Gelenbe, E., "NOBEL PRIZE 50 YEARS AGO", Europhysics News , vol. 52, issue 5, 2021.  (334.02 KB)
46. Nakip, M., and E. Gelenbe, "Randomization of Data Generation Times Improves Performance of Predictive IoT Networks", 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, IEEE, 2021.  (968.83 KB)
48. Li, N., X. Hu, E. Ngai, and E. Gelenbe, "Cooperative Wireless Edges with Composite Resource Allocation in Hierarchical Networks", 2020 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HEALTHCOM): IEEE, 2021.  (343.95 KB)


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 27/12/2023 - 15:27; autor zmian: Krzysztof Grochla (kil@iitis.pl)