
Found 1493 results
Bulucu P, Nakip M, Güzeliş C.  2024.  Multi-Sensor E-Nose based on Online Transfer Learning Trend Predictive Neural Network. IEEE Access.  (3.93 MB)
Strzoda A, Grochla K.  2024.  A Nature-Inspired Approach to Energy-Efficient Relay Selection in Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). MDPI Sensors. 24(11)
Hawary KEl, Azzouz M, Baz MEl, Deffner S, Gardas B\lomiej, Mzaouali Z.  2024.  Navigating the phase diagram of quantum many-body systems in phase space. Phys. Rev. E. 110 (7.77 MB)
Nasereddin M, Al-Qassas R.  2024.  A New Approach for Detecting Process Injection Attacks Using Memory Analysis. International Journal of Information Security.  (2.49 MB)
Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2024.  Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 19 (6.97 MB)
Chen Z-S, Wang Z-R, Deveci M, Ding W, Pedrycz W, Skibniewski MJ.  2024.  Optimization-based probabilistic decision support for assessing building information modelling (BIM) maturity considering multiple objectives. Information Fusion. 102
Sharma S, Kumar R, Kuaban GSuila, Soodan BSingh, Singh P.  2024.  Performance and Cost Evaluation of an Adaptive Queuing System with Customer Reneging and Retention: Steady-state and Transient Analysis. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management.  (305.23 KB)
Gorawski M, Marjasz R, Grochla K.  2024.  Performance evaluation of the secure multi-tenancy system for smart city IoT environment using open LDAP and Apache Kafka.. 22nd International Industrial Simulation Conference.
Xiong S-H, Wang Z-P, Li G, Skibniewski MJ, Chen Z-S.  2024.  Prediction of airport runway settlement using an integrated SBAS-InSAR and BP-EnKF approach. Elsevier. 665
Tripathy D, Touil A, Gardas B, Deffner S.  2024.  Quantum information scrambling in two-dimensional Bose–Hubbard lattices. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 34 (1.18 MB)
Shahbeigi F, Chubb CT, Kukulski R, Pawela Ł, Korzekwa K.  2024.  Quantum-embeddable stochastic matrices. Quantum. 8
Wojewódka-Ściążko H, Puchała Z, Korzekwa K.  2024.  Resource engines. Quantum. 8
Siavvas M, Tsoukalas D, Marantos C, Papadopoulos L, Lamprakos C, Matei O, Strydis C, Siddiqi MAli, Chrobocinski P, Filus K et al..  2024.  SDK4ED: a platform for building energy efficient, dependable, and maintainable embedded software. Automated Software Engineering.
Miszczak J.  2024.  Short Lessons on Wolfram Language: Programming, Data Processing, Graphics, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing with Mathematica .
Weber P, Bełdowski P, Gadomski A, Domino K, Sionkowski P, Ledziński D.  2024.  Statistical method for analysis of interactions between chosen protein and chondroitin sulfate in an aqueous environment. The 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021).
Bełdowski P, Weber P, Gadomski A, Sionkowski P, Kruszewska N, Domino K.  2024.  Studies of the Interaction Dynamics in Albumin–Chondroitin Sulfate Systems by Recurrence Method. The 16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021).
Marek D, Paszkuta M, Szyguła J, Biernacki P, Domański A, Szczygieł M, Król M, Wojciechowski K.  2024.  Swarm of drones in a simulation environment - efficiency and adaptation. Applied Sciences-Basel.
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Siavvas M.  2024.  System Wide Vulnerability and Trust in Multi-Component Communication System Software. IEEE Network.
Gelenbe E, Nakip M, Siavvas M.  2024.  System-wide vulnerability of multi-component software. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 196
Romaszewski M, Sekuła P, Głomb P, Cholewa M, Kołodziej K.  2024.  Through the Thicket: A Study of Number-Oriented LLMs derived from Random Forest Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.04926.
