
Found 135 results
Filters: Autor is Krzysztof Grochla  [Clear All Filters]
Yegin A, Seller O, Orifiamma D, Yu X, Thanh BMai, Barthel D, Buffard C, Carrion I, Ferreira L, Grochla K et al..  2022.  LoRaWAN® Relay Specification TS011-1.0.0.
Strzoda A, Grochla K, Frankiewicz A, Łaskarzewski Z.  2022.  Measurements and Analysis of Large Scale LoRa Network Efficiency. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC .
Strzoda A, Grochla K, Połys K.  2022.  Variability of BLE Advertisement Packets Received Signal Strength and Delivery Probability in the Presence of Interferences. ACM MSWIM 22 - The 25th International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, DIVANET Symposium.
Marek D, Grochla K, Duda J.  2021.  Channel State Information Variability in BLE Positioning Measurements. International Conference On Systems Engineering.
Byrski A, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Grochla K, Murayama Y.  2021.  Computer Science Protecting Human Society Against Epidemics. ANTICOVID 2021. 616:125.
Gorawski M, Grochla K, Marjasz R, Frankiewicz A.  2021.  Energy Minimization Algorithm for Estimation of Clock Skew and Reception Window Selection in Wireless Networks. Sensors. 21
Książek K, Grochla K.  2021.  Flexibility Analysis of Adaptive Data Rate Algorithm in LoRa Networks. IEEE IWCMC 2021 - 17th Int. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference.
Marjasz R, Połys K, Strzoda A, Grochla K.  2021.  Improving Delivery Ratio in LoRa Network. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access.
Marjasz R, Strzoda A, Połys K, Grochla K.  2021.  Mitigation of LoRa interferences via dynamic channel weights. European Simulation and Modelling Conference (formelly European Simulation Multiconference) - ESM . :150-154.
Grochla K, Połys K.  2020.  Heuristic Algorithm for Gateway Location Selection in Large Scale LoRa Networks. ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference.  (2.12 MB)
Frankiewicz A, Glos A, Grochla K, Łaskarzewski Z, Miszczak J, Połys K, Sadowski P, Strzoda A.  2020.  LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm. Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.
Gorawski M, Grochla K.  2020.  Performance Tests of Smart City IoT Data Repositories for Universal Linear Infrastructure Data and Graph Databases. SN Computer Science. 1:31.
Połys K, Grochla K, Gorawski M, Frankiewicz A.  2019.  Accuracy of UWB Location Tracking Devices When on the Move. International Conference on Computer Networks. International Conference on Computer Networks:233-241.
Książek K, Grochla K.  2019.  Aggregation of GPS, WLAN, and BLE Localization Measurements for Mobile Devices in Simulated Environments. Sensors. 19
Suila GKuaban, Czekalski P, Molua EL, Grochla K.  2019.  An Architectural Framework Proposal for IoT Driven Agriculture. International Conference on Computer Networks.
Kuaban GSuila, Molua EL, Czekalski P, Grochla K.  2019.  An Architectural Framework Proposal for IoT Driven Agriculture. Computer Network 2019.
Czachórski T, Grochla K.  2019.  Diffusion Approximation Models for Cloud Computations with Task Migrations. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC).
Gorawski M, Grochla K.  2019.  "Graph Representation of Linear Infrastructure in Smart City IoT Systems. 11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT) .
Grochla K, Marjasz R, Połys K, Strzoda A.  2019.  Kolizje pakietów w sieciach LoRa w zastosowaniach smart city. Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny+ Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne.
Marjasz R, Grochla K, Strzoda A, Łaskarzewski Z.  2019.  Simulation Analysis of Packet Delivery Probability in LoRa Networks.. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1039
Grochla K, Słabicki M.  2019.  Transmit power optimization in cellular networks with nomadic base stations. IET Communications. 13(18)
[Anonim].  2018.  Computer and Information Sciences - 32nd International Symposium, ISCIS 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20-21, 2018, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 935
Połys K, Grochla K, Gorawski M.  2018.  LTE Load Balancing with Tx Power Adjustment and the Real Life Mobility Model. Computer Networks.
Akinwande OJ, Gelenbe E.  2018.  A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Adaptive Forwarding in Named Data Networking. Computer and Information Sciences - 32nd International Symposium, ISCIS 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20-21, 2018, Proceedings.
Nowak S, Nowak M, Grochla K, Pecka P.  2017.  Application of Fault-Tolerant GQP Algorithm in Multihop AMI Networks. Computer Networks. CN 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 718. :70-80.
