
Found 1563 results
Nycz M, Nycz T, Czachórski T.  2024.  Dropping or Marking: a Review and Evaluation of Existing Fluid-Flow Approximation Models. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 72(early accass) (2.91 MB)
Chen Z-S, Liang C-Z, Xu Y-Q, Pedrycz W, Skibniewski MJ.  2024.  Dynamic collective opinion generation framework for digital transformation barrier analysis in the construction industry. Information Fusion. 103
Łaskarzewski Z, Grochla K.  2024.  Efektywność Schematu Komunikacyjnego Liczników Mediów w Procesie Zdalnego Odczytu Obchodzonego. Konferencja Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki.
Śmierzchalski T, Mzaouali Z, Deffner S, Gardas B.  2024.  Efficiency Optimization in Quantum Computing: Balancing Thermodynamics and Computational Performance. Scientific Reports. 14 (1.81 MB)
Kołodziej K, Cholewa M, Głomb P, Koral W, Romaszewski M.  2024.  Efficient Numerical Calibration of Water Delivery Network Using Short-Burst Hydrant Trials. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02772.
Kuaban GSuila, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Pecka P, Nkemeni V, Czekalski P.  2024.  Energy performance of Internet of Things (IoT) networks for pipeline monitoring. The 20th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference.
Kuaban GSuila, Gelenbe E, Czachórski T, Czekalski P, Nkemeni V.  2024.  Energy Performance of Off-Grid Green Cellular Base Stations. Performance Evaluation.
Kuaban GSuila, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Pecka P, Sharma S, Singh P, Nkemeni V, Czekalski P.  2024.  Energy performance of self-powered Green IoT nodes. Frontiers in Energy Research.
Semary A., Semary NA, Ahmed W, Amin K, Plawiak P.  2024.  Enhancing machine learning-based sentiment analysis through feature extraction techniques. Public Library of Science.
Kundu A, Bedełek P, Ostaszewski M, Danaci O, Patel YJ, Dunjko V, Miszczak J.  2024.  Enhancing quantum variational state diagonalization using reinforcement learning techniques. New Journal of Physics. 26
Kovtun V, Grochla K, Al-Maitah M, Aldosary S, Kempa W.  2024.  Entropy-extreme model for predicting the development of cyber epidemics at early stages. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 24
Kiziloluk S, Sert E, Hammad M, Tadeusiewicz R, Pławiak P.  2024.  EO-CNN: Equilibrium Optimization-Based hyperparameter tuning for enhanced pneumonia and COVID-19 detection using AlexNet and DarkNet19. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 44
Kukulski R, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2024.  The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov semigroups. Results in Mathematics. 79(112)
Filus K, Domańska J, Klamka J.  2024.  Evaluating Convolutional Neural Networks via measuring similarity of their first-layer filters and Gabor filters. 32nd International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.
Nkemeni V, Mieyeville F, Kuaban GSuila, Czekalski P, Tokarz K, Nsanyuy WBasil, Djomadji EMichel Deu, Katche ML, Tsafack P, Zieliński B.  2024.  Evaluation of Green Strategies for Prolonging the Lifespan of Linear Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors.  (1.74 MB)
Filus K, Domańska J.  2024.  Extracting coarse-grained classifiers from large Convolutional Neural Networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 138
Banoori F, Ijaz N, Shi J, Khan K, Liu X, Ahmad S, Prakash AJaya, Pławiak P, Hammad M.  2024.  Few-Shot Bioacoustics Event Detection Using Transductive Inference With Data Augmentation. IEEE Sensors Letters. 8
Pokuciński S, Filus K, Mrozek D.  2024.  Finding the Perfect Cut: Selection of the Best Cutting Point in Equirectangular Panoramas for Object Detection. International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems.
Nakip M, Kelesoglu N, Güzeliş C.  2024.  Fire Detection and Risk Assessment via Support Vector Regression with Flattening-Samples Based Augmented Regularization. Applied Soft Computing. 164
Dubovoi V, Yukhimchuk M, Kovtun V, Grochla K.  2024.  Functional Dependability of Distributed Control of Multi-zone Objects under Failures Conditions. IEEE Access. 12
Kundu A, Botelho L, Glos A.  2024.  Hamiltonian-Oriented Homotopy QAOA. Physical Review A. 109
Yamni M, Daoui A, Pławiak P, Alfarraj O, El-Latif AAAbd.  2024.  A Hardware-Accelerated Approach to Chaotic Image Encryption: LTB Map and FPGA Implementation. IEEE Access. 12
Machado-Guillen Gde Jesus, Cruz-Duarte JM, Conant-Pablos SE, Filus K.  2024.  Harnessing Machine Learning for Reliable Weather Forecasting: Meteorological Impact on Sustainable Energy in Monterrey. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
Zhou C., Chen R., Sekuła P, Tang B., Qu Y..  2024.  Human–machine interaction controlling system for teleoperation of robotic arms in prefabrication assembly. Smart Construction. 1
Śmierzchalski T, Pawłowski J, Przybysz A, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z, Koniorczyk M, Gardas B, Deffner S, Domino K.  2024.  Hybrid quantum-classical computation for automatic guided vehicles scheduling. Scientific Reports. 14
