
Found 1505 results
Zhou C, Tang B, Ding L, Sekuła P, Zhou Y, Zhang Z.  2020.  Design and automated assembly of Planetary LEGO Brick for lunar in-situ construction. Automation in Construction. 118
Wang L, Zhang P, Ma L, Cong X, Skibniewski MJ.  2020.  Developing a corporate social responsibility framework for sustainable construction using partial least squares structural equation modeling. Technological and Economic Development of Economy. 26:186–212.
Książek W, Hammad M, Plawiak P, U. Acharya R, Tadeusiewicz R.  2020.  Development of novel ensemble model using stacking learning and evolutionary computation techniques for automated hepatocellular carcinoma detection. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 40(4):1512-1524. (1.1 MB)
Plawiak P, Abdar M, Pławiak J, Makarenkov V, U Acharya R.  2020.  DGHNL: A new deep genetic hierarchical network of learners for prediction of credit scoring. Elsevier, Information Sciences. 516:401-418. (1.21 MB)
Domański A, Domańska J, Czachórski T, Klamka J, Szyguła J, Marek D.  2020.  Diffusion Approximation Model of TCP NewReno Congestion Control Mechanism. SN Computer Science. (1:43)
Krawiec A, Pawela Ł, Puchała Z.  2020.  Discrimination of POVMs with rank-one effects. Quantum Information Processing. 19 (402.67 KB)
Masarczyk W, Głomb P, Grabowski B, Ostaszewski M.  2020.  Effective Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification through Artificial Labeling. Remote Sensing. 12(16)
Nikodem M, Słabicki M, Bawiec M.  2020.  Efficient Communication Scheme for Bluetooth Low Energy in Large Scale Applications. Sensors. 20(21)
Botelho LAS, Vianna RO.  2020.  Efficient quantum tomography of two-mode Wigner functions. The European Physical Journal D. 74
Tuncer T, Ertam F, Dogan S, Aydemir E, Plawiak P.  2020.  Ensemble residual network-based gender and activity recognition method with signals. Journal of Supercomputing. 76(2020):2119–2138. (2.74 MB)
Czapla D, Horbacz K, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  2020.  Ergodic properties of some piecewise-deterministic Markov process with application to gene expression modelling. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 130(5)
Zahedian S, Sekuła P, Nohekhan A, Laan ZVander.  2020.  Estimating hourly traffic volumes using artificial neural network with additional inputs from automatic traffic recorders. Transportation Research Record. 2674
Xiahou X, Yuan J, Xie H, Skibniewski MJ, Li Q.  2020.  Exploring driving factors of smart city development under the physical-human society-cyber (PHC) space model. International Journal of Construction Management. :1–11.
Ostaszewski M, Miszczak J, Sadowski P.  2020.  Geometrical versus time-series representation of data in quantum control learning. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 53(19)
Grochla K, Połys K.  2020.  Heuristic Algorithm for Gateway Location Selection in Large Scale LoRa Networks. ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference.  (2.12 MB)
Alizadehsani R, Roshanzamir M, Abdar M, Beykikhoshk A, Khosravi A, Nahavandi S, Plawiak P, San Tan R, U Acharya R.  2020.  Hybrid genetic-discretized algorithm to handle data uncertainty in diagnosing stenosis of coronary arteries. Wiley, Expert Systems.  (2.36 MB)
Bi H, Gelenbe E, Chen Y.  2020.  Incentive mechanism for collective coordination in an urban intelligent transportation system using G-networks. IEEE MASCOTS 2020.  (1.32 MB)
Tomaka A A, Tarnawski M, Luchowski L, Cerkaski B, Pojda D.  2020.  Integracja obrazowania wielomodalnego w zastosowaniu do wspomagania diagnostyki stomatologicznej, planowania i oceny wyników leczenia. Inżynieria Biomedyczna - podstawy i zastosowania; Tom 8 - Obrazowanie Biomedyczne.
Kruszewska N., Domino K, Drelich R, Urbaniak W, Petelska AD.  2020.  Interactions between Beta-2-glycoprotein-1 and phospholipid bilayer – a molecular dynamic study. Membranes. 10(12)
Tokarz K, Czekalski P., Drabik G, Paduch J, Distefano S, Di Pietro R, Merlino G, Scaffidi C, Sell R, Kuaban GSuila.  2020.  Internet of Things Network Infrastructure for The Educational Purpose. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).  (6.74 MB)
Gelenbe E.  2020.  Introduction to the Special Issue on the French-Polish Collaboration in Mathematical Models of Computer Systems, Networks and Bioinformatics. SN Computer Science. 1(1):44:1-44:10. (804.77 KB)
Gelenbe E, Fröhlich P, Nowak M, Papadopoulos S, Protogerou A, Drosou A, Tzovaras D.  2020.  IoT Network Attack Detection and Mitigation. The 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO'2020).  (644.89 KB)
Baldini G, Fröhlich P, Gelenbe E, Hernandez-Ramos JLuis, Nowak M, Nowak S, Papadopoulos S, Drosou A, Tzovaras D.  2020.  IoT Network Risk Assessment and Mitigation: The SerIoT Approach. Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection. :88–104. (998 KB)
Filus K, Domański A, Domańska J, Marek D, Szyguła J.  2020.  Long-Range Dependent Traffic Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Hurst Exponent Analysis. Entropy. 22(10)
Frankiewicz A, Glos A, Grochla K, Łaskarzewski Z, Miszczak J, Połys K, Sadowski P, Strzoda A.  2020.  LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm. Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.
