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Comparison Between State-of-the-Art Color Local Binary Pattern-Based Descriptors for Image Retrieval. IEEE Access. 12
2024. Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing for Geriatric Clinical Care for Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access. 12
2024. NeuroHAR: A Neuroevolutionary Method for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) for Health Monitoring. IEEE Access. 12
2024. Online Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 19
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System Wide Vulnerability and Trust in Multi-Component Communication System Software. IEEE Network.
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System-wide vulnerability of multi-component software. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 196
2024. .
2024. ECG-COVID: An end-to-end deep model based on electrocardiogram for COVID-19 detection. Information Sciences. 619
2023. SCovNet: A skip connection-based feature union deep learning technique with statistical approach analysis for the detection of COVID-19. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 43
2023. Automatic semantic segmentation for dental restorations in panoramic radiography images using U-Net model.. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 32
2022. A novel end-to-end deep learning approach for cancer detection based on microscopic medical images.. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 42
2022. Automated detection of shockable ECG signals: A review. Elsevier, Information Sciences.
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BARF: A new direct and cross-based binary residual feature fusion with uncertainty-aware module for medical image classification. Elsevier, Information Sciences. 577
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Blood Stain Classification with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Neural Networks. Sensors. 20(Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis)
2020. DGHNL: A new deep genetic hierarchical network of learners for prediction of credit scoring. Elsevier, Information Sciences. 516:401-418.
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