prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Czachórski Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0001-7158-0258Stanowisko: profesorZespół badawczy Zespół Modelowania, Oceny Efektywności i Bezpieczeństwa Systemów Komputerowych Horizontal TabsPublikacje Biblio RSS 2014 76. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "A few investigations of long-range dependence in network traffic", Information Science and Systems 2014: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 137–144, 2014. 77. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "Modeling Packet Traffic with the Use of Superpositions of Two-State MMPPs", Computer Networks: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 24–36, 2014. 78. Domańska, J., A. Domański, T. Czachórski, and J. Klamka, "Flluid flow approximation of time-limited TCP/UDP/XCP streams.", Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 217–225, 2014. 79. Kowalski, P., and D. Pojda, "Visualization of heterogenic images of 3D scene", Man-Machine Interacions 3: Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Science, Gliwice, pp. 291–297, 2014. 80. Skabek, K., and P. Płoszaj, "Implementation of registration algorithms for multiple views", Man-Machine Interacions 3: Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Science, Gliwice, pp. 315–323, 2014. 81. Atmaca, T., T. Czachórski, K. Grochla, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "A model of boot-up storm dynamics", Computer and Information Sciences III, London, Springer, pp. 371–379, 10, 2014. 82. Nycz, T., M. Nycz, and T. Czachórski, "A Numerical Comparison of Diffusion and Fluid-Flow Approximations Used in Modelling Transient States of TCP/IP Networks.", Computer Networks: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 213–222, 2014. 83. Quantum Queuing Networks Throughput Optimisation: ISCIS 29th Annual Symposium, X, 2014. 2013 84. Czachórski, T., "Queueing models: transient state analysis applied to performance evaluation of computer networks.", Abstracts 9th International ISAAC Congress, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Pszczyńska 44, Pracownia Komputerowa Jacka Skalmierskiego, pp. 5–6, 8, 2013. 85. Czachórski, T., "Modelling transient states in queueing models of computer networks: a few practical issues", Proceedings of the International Conference Distributed Computer and Communication networks: Control, Computation, Communications, Moscow, V.A.Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Information and Communication technologies Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 27–28, 10, 2013. 86. Czachórski, T., "Modelling and controlling dynamics of Internet flows.", Proc. Intellectual systems of decision-making and problems of computational intelligence, 2013. 87. Czachórski, T., "Transient queueing models applied to performance evaluation of computer networks.", Proc. Third International Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) on Mathematical, Computational and Integrative Sciences, 2013. 88. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "Fluid Flow Analysis of RED Algorithm with Modified Weighted Moving Average", Modern Probabilistic Methods for analysis of Telecommunication Networks: Springer, pp. 50–58, 1, 2013. 89. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, "Comparison of CHOKe and gCHOKe active queues managemant algirithms with the use of fluid flow approximation.", Computer Networks, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 363–371, 6, 2013. 90. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, Internet in the Information Society Computer Systems Architecture and Security, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza Cieplaka Str. 1c, Academy od Business in Dabrowa Gornicza, 2013. 91. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, "GCU-Accelerated fluid flow approximation of the Active Queues Management algorithms", Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 93–104, 2013. 92. Czachórski, T., M. Nycz, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Analytical and numerical means to model transient states in computer networks", Computer Networks, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 426–435, 6, 2013. 2012 93. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Performance Evaluation of a Multiuser Interactive Networking System: A Comparison of Modelling Methods", Computer and Information Sciences II: Springer, pp. 215–222, 2012. 94. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, T. Nycz, and F. Pekergin, "Duration of boot-up storm period", 17th Polish teletraffic symposium: IITiS PAN, pp. 145–150, 12, 2012. 95. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, A HMM network traffic model, pp. 17–20, 2012. 96. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, "Computer Networks", Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 291, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 2012. 97. Nycz, M.M., and T. Czachórski, "Modelowanie dynamiki przesyłów TCP/IP z uwzględnieniem mechanizmu RED", Studia Informatica, vol. 33, no. 3! (107), pp. 49–62, 2012. 98. Nycz, T., and T. Czachórski, "Badanie skalowalności modeli sieci komputerowych wykorzystujących aproksymację dyfuzyjną wraz ze zwiększeniem rozmiaru modelowanej sieci", Studoa Informatica, vol. 33, no. 3A (107), pp. 63–78, 2012. 2011 99. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, and T. Nycz, "Simulation, Markov Chain and Diffusion Approximation Models – a Case Study", “Computer Science & Information Technologies” (CSIT’2011), 2011. 100. Czachórski, T., K. Grochla, A. Józefiok, and T. Nycz, "Porównanie metod analizy efektywności na przykładzie serwera aplikacji w sieci lokalnej", Studia Informatica, vol. 32, no. 3A, pp. 7–20, 2011. Strony« pierwsza‹ poprzednia…345…następna ›ostatnia »