Short Lessons on Wolfram Language: Programming, Data Processing, Graphics, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing with Mathematica

TytułShort Lessons on Wolfram Language: Programming, Data Processing, Graphics, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing with Mathematica
Publication TypeBook
Rok publikacji2024
AutorzyMiszczak J
PublisherQuoqa Pubs
ISBN Number978-8366950016

This book provides a tutorial on Wolfram Language, the programming language powering the Mathematica computer algebra system. The main purpose of this book is to introduce the basic concepts required to start using Mathematica. The book contains lessons organized around various topics and use cases where the capabilities of Mathematica can be demonstrated. The lessons cover such elements of Wolfram Language as syntax, concepts used in linear algebra, graph theory, functions used to visualize data, and methods of solving equations. The introduced concepts are utilized to provide an overview of the basic elements of machine learning and quantum computing.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 09/09/2024 - 08:28; autor zmian: Jarosław Miszczak (