Tripartite entanglement in a Laguerre–Gaussian rotational-cavity system with an yttrium iron garnet sphere

TytułTripartite entanglement in a Laguerre–Gaussian rotational-cavity system with an yttrium iron garnet sphere
Publication TypeJournal Article
Rok publikacji2021
AutorzyCheng H-J, Zhou S-J, Peng J-X, Kundu A, Li H-X, Jin L, Feng X-L
JournalJournal of the Optical Society of America B
Date PublishedFeb
Słowa kluczoweLight fields, Magnetic fields, Optical fields, Optomechanics, Quantum information processing, Radiation pressure

We propose a scheme that can realize the tripartite entanglement between the Laguerre–Gaussian (L–G) cavity mode, magnon mode, and phonon (rotating) mode in a hybrid rotating cavity optomechanical system with an yttrium iron garnet sphere inside the cavity. The excited magnon mode and the L–G cavity mode are related through the magnetic dipole interaction, and the L–G cavity mode can exchange orbital angular momentum (OAM) with the rotating mirror. In this way, the magnon mode and the rotating mirror are connected through the L–G cavity mode. Our results show that physical parameters such as OAM of the L–G cavity mode, detuning of the magnon mode, and effective detuning of the cavity mode play different roles in establishing entanglements.


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Data aktualizacji: 14/09/2021 - 09:50; autor zmian: Jarosław Miszczak (