Real-Time Traffic over the Cognitive Packet Network

TytułReal-Time Traffic over the Cognitive Packet Network
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Rok publikacji2016
AutorzyWang L., Gelenbe E
Conference Name23rd International Conference on Computer Networks (CN)
Conference LocationBrunów, Poland
Słowa kluczoweCognitive Packet Network, Real-Time over CPN

Real-Time services over IP (RTIP) have been increasingly significant due to the convergence of data networks worldwide around the IP standard, and the popularisation of the Internet. Real-Time applications have strict Quality of Service (QoS) constraint, which poses a major challenge to IP networks. The Cognitive Packet Network (CPN) has been designed as a QoS-driven protocol that addresses user-oriented QoS demands by adaptively routing packets based on online sensing and measurement, and in this paper we design and experimentally evaluate the“Real-Time (RT) over CPN” protocol which uses QoS goals that match the needs of real-time packet delivery in the presence of other background traffic under varied traffic conditions. The resulting design is evaluated via measurements of packet delay, delay variation (jitter) and packet loss ratio.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 14/04/2017 - 08:30; autor zmian: Erol Gelenbe (