Man-Machine Interaction 2

TytułMan-Machine Interaction 2
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Rok publikacji2011
AutorzyPecka P, Deorowicz S, Nowak M
EditorCzachórski T, Kozielski S, Stańczyk U
Book TitleAdvances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
ChapterEfficient representation of transition Matrix in the Markov process modeling of computer networks
PublisherSpringer Berlin / Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-642-23168-1
AbstractMarkov chains are used in analysis in many fields. One of them is performance evaluation of computer systems, especially computer networks. For the analysis we use OLYMP object library that provides features to describe complex systems and find their statistical parameters. We present two compressed data structures for the most space-consuming parts of data processed by OLYMP. Then, we show how these improvements move the barrier of applicability of the utility.

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