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Markovian models for long-range dependent traffic, new results. Proc. of First Workshop on New Trends in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, Zakopane, 27-29 June 2004. :213–228.
2004. Markovian models for long-range dependent traffic, new results. Proc. of First Workshop on New Trends in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, in Modelling Quantitave Methods and Measurements, Zakopane, 27-29 June 2004. :213–228.
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2004. Self-similarity of network traffic and the performances of QoS mechanisms. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:337–349.
2004. The use of vectorized and parallelized solutions to Markovian models in performance evaluation of communication networks: a case of leaky buckets with tokens. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:153–170.
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2004. Analityczne modele kolejkowe w ocenie efektywności pracy systemów i sieci kolejkowych. Pro Dialog. 16:90–111.
2003. Diffusion approximation: modelling transient flows of multiclass queueing networks. Proc. of International Network Optimization Conference, INOC'03, Oct. 27-29, 2003 Evry, France.
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2003. Model formowania pakietów w węźle brzegowym sieci optycznej. Studia Informatica. 24:51–61.
2003. Optical packet filling. Proc. 10th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Kraków 18-19 Sept. 2003. :419–429.
2003. Wpływ samopodobnej natury ruchu na zachowanie mechanizmu cieknącego wiadra. Studia Informatica. 24:199–212.
2003. Badanie dynamiki algorytmu RED. Studia Informatica. 23:223–234.
2002. Blind shaping strategy of self-similar traffic: Markovian model. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14:13–25.
2002. A diffusion approximation model of Web servers. Proc. of WITASI02, 1st IFIP Workshop on Internet Technologies, Applications and Societal Impact, Wrocław, October 10-11, 2002.
2002. Internet and real-time performance: a web server model. Proc. of 9th Conf. on Real-Time Systems, Ustroń, 16-19 September 2002.
2002. A Mixed Deflection and Convergence Routing Algorithm: Design and Performance. Proc. of Euro-Par 2002, 27-30 August 2002, Padeborn University, Padeborn, Germany.
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2002. Performance evaluation of multistage interconnection networks with blocking - discrete and continuous time Markov model. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 14