Applied Informatics Group

The Applied Informatics Group was established in 2022 with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of commercialization of technologies developed at Institute. It supports other teams within the Institute in the area of applied informatics during the preparation and implementation of projects, as well as when transferring results to the business environment. In particular, it estimates the time and resource requirements of planned tasks and prepares software prototypes and demonstrators. The team also maintains the Institute's ICT infrastructure.

Group leader: 

Group members: 







Głomb P, Sochan A.  2014.  Surface Mixture Models for the Optimization of Object Boundary Representation. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8467. :703–714.



Skabek K, Winiarczyk R, Sochan A.  2012.  Human – Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. 98
Głomb P, Romaszewski M, Opozda S, Sochan A.  2012.  Choosing and Modeling the Hand Gesture Database for a Natural User Interface. Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication.


Sochan A, Głomb P, Skabek K, Romaszewski M, Opozda S.  2011.  Virtual Museum as an Example of 3D Content Distribution in the Architecture of a Future Internet. Computer Networks 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science 160.. :459–464.
Sochan A, Winiarczyk R, Głowiak M., Idzikowski B., Stróżyk M..  2011.  Nowe media i Internet 3D. Przegląd telekomunikacyjny. :1029–1036.
Głomb P, Romaszewski M, Opozda S, Sochan A.  2011.  Choosing and modeling hand gesture database for natural user interface. GW 2011: the 9th International Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer InteractionWorkshop.
Głomb P, Romaszewski M, Sochan A, Opozda S.  2011.  Unsupervised Parameter Selection for Gesture Recognition with Vector Quantization and Hidden Markov Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT. 6949



Grochla K, Sochan A.  2009.  Adaptive Streaming of Stereographic Video. Computer Networks – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 39:87–94.


Grochla K, Sochan A, Głomb P.  2008.  Transmission of scalable video streams. Proceedings from the 4th Euro-NGI Workshop on New trends in network architectures and services.




Sochan A.  2004.  Developing an Internet XML application exploiting directory services. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 16:135–149.


Sochan A.  2002.  Relations between ATM traffic parameters and quality of multimedia transmission - an experimental approach. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology. 2


Grochla K.  2001.  A tool for network traffic generation and transmission delay measurement. Proceedings of 8th Polish Teletraffic Symposium.


Grochla K, Sochan A.  2000.  Sieci prywatne oparte na technologii ATM. Studia Informatica. 1


Sochan A, Stanisław J.  1999.  Laboratoryjne metody badania sieci ATM. Zeszyty Naukowe Pol. Śl. Informatyka. 36


Sochan A, Kowalczyk G.  1998.  Wykorzystanie technologii ATM w sieciach lokalnych. Zeszyty Naukowe Pol. Śl. Informatyka. 34


Sochan A.  1997.  Sieci lokalne - elementy projektowania. Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej. 9:163–181.
Sochan A.  1997.  Szybkie sieci lokalne oparte na standardach Fast Ethernet i 100VG-AnyLAN. Zeszyty Naukowe Pol. Śl. Informatyka. 32


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 05/04/2024 - 10:46; autor zmian: Łukasz Zimny (

The Applied Informatics Group was established in 2022 with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of commercialization of technologies developed at Institute. It supports other teams within the Institute in the area of applied informatics during the preparation and implementation of projects, as well as when transferring results to the business environment. In particular, it estimates the time and resource requirements of planned tasks and prepares software prototypes and demonstrators. The team also maintains the Institute's ICT infrastructure.