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Nasereddin M, Nakip M, Gelenbe E.  2023.  Measurement Based Evaluation and Mitigation of Flood Attacks on a LAN Test-Bed. The 48th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks.  (861.42 KB)
Siavvas M, Gelenbe E, Tsoukalas D, Kalouptsoglou I, Mathioudaki M, Nakip M, Kehagias D, Tzovaras D.  2022.  The IoTAC Software Security-by-Design Platform: Concept, Challenges, and Preliminary Overview. 18th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN).  (1.33 MB)
Grochla K, Połys K.  2020.  Heuristic Algorithm for Gateway Location Selection in Large Scale LoRa Networks. ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference.  (2.12 MB)
Słabicki M, Grochla K.  2016.  Performance evaluation of CoAP, SNMP and NETCONF protocols in fog computing architecture. NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium.