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Performance and Cost Evaluation of an Adaptive Queuing System with Customer Reneging and Retention: Steady-state and Transient Analysis. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management.
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A Queueing-theoretic Analysis of the Performance of a Cloud Computing Infrastructure: Accounting for Task Reneging or Dropping. Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME).
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Analysis of the Performance of a Cloud Computing Processing Queue with Correlated Reneging of Tasks and Resubmission. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET).
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Performance Analysis of a Cloud Computing System using Queuing Model with Correlated Task Reneging. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, presented in 5th International Scientific Conference on Information, Control, and Communication Technologies (ICCT-2021) 4-7 October 2021, Astrakhan, Russian Federation. 2091 (012003)
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Performance Evaluations of a Cloud Computing Physical Machine with Task Reneging and Task Resubmission (Feedback). Computer Networks 2020.
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