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Strzoda A, Grochla K, Frankiewicz A, Łaskarzewski Z.  2022.  Measurements and Analysis of Large Scale LoRa Network Efficiency. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC .
Frankiewicz A, Glos A, Grochla K, Łaskarzewski Z, Miszczak J, Połys K, Sadowski P, Strzoda A.  2020.  LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm. Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.
Połys K, Grochla K, Gorawski M, Frankiewicz A.  2019.  Accuracy of UWB Location Tracking Devices When on the Move. International Conference on Computer Networks. International Conference on Computer Networks:233-241.