
Found 43 results
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Pawlak Z.  2005.  Flow graphs and data mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3400:1–36.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  Flow graphs and intelligent data analysis. Fundamenta Informaticae. 64:369–377.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Task in Multiagent Systems. Advances in Soft Computing.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  Orthodox and non-orthodox sets-some philosophical remarks. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences. 30:133–140.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  Rough Sets and Flow Graphs. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 3641:1–11.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  Some Remarks on Conflict Analysis. Eur J Oper Res. 166:649–654.
Pawlak Z.  2005.  A Treatise on Rough Sets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3700:1–17.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Bayesian confirmation measures within rough set approach. Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Rough Sets and Current Trencs in computing. :264–273.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Can Bayesian confirmation measures be useful for rough set decision rules? Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 17:345–361.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Data analysis and flow graphs. Journal of telecommunications and information technology. :1–5.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Decision Networks. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and current Trends in cimputing.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Decision Rules and Dependencies. Fundamanta Informaticae. :33–39.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Decision rules and flow networks.. European Journal of Operational Research. 154:184–190.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Flow Graphs - a New Paradigm for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Proceedings. :147–153.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Inference rules and decision rules. :102–108.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Some Issues on Rough Sets. Lecture Notes Computer Science. 3100:1–58.
Pawlak Z.  2004.  Zbiory przybliżone nowa matematyczna metoda analizy danych.. Konwersatoriu Politechniki Warszawskiej. :1–7.
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Data analysis and flow graph. Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society. :137–144.
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Intelligent Systems for Information Processing From Representation to Applications.
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Neural Networks and Soft Computing. Advances in Soft Computing.
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Rough Set Theory And Granular Computing.
Pawlak Z, Peters J.F., Skowron A., Suraj Z., Ramanna S., Borkowski M..  2003.  Rough set theory and granular computing. Series in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. 25
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Rough Sets.
Pawlak Z.  2003.  Rough-Neural Computing,.
