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Flow graphs and data mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3400:1–36.
2005. Flow graphs and intelligent data analysis. Fundamenta Informaticae. 64:369–377.
2005. Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Task in Multiagent Systems. Advances in Soft Computing.
2005. Orthodox and non-orthodox sets-some philosophical remarks. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences. 30:133–140.
2005. Rough Sets and Flow Graphs. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 3641:1–11.
2005. Some Remarks on Conflict Analysis. Eur J Oper Res. 166:649–654.
2005. A Treatise on Rough Sets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3700:1–17.
2005. Bayesian confirmation measures within rough set approach. Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Rough Sets and Current Trencs in computing. :264–273.
2004. Can Bayesian confirmation measures be useful for rough set decision rules? Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 17:345–361.
2004. Data analysis and flow graphs. Journal of telecommunications and information technology. :1–5.
2004. Decision Networks. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and current Trends in cimputing.
2004. Decision Rules and Dependencies. Fundamanta Informaticae. :33–39.
2004. Decision rules and flow networks.. European Journal of Operational Research. 154:184–190.
2004. Flow Graphs - a New Paradigm for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Proceedings. :147–153.
2004. Inference rules and decision rules. :102–108.
2004. Some Issues on Rough Sets. Lecture Notes Computer Science. 3100:1–58.
2004. Zbiory przybliżone nowa matematyczna metoda analizy danych.. Konwersatoriu Politechniki Warszawskiej. :1–7.
2004. Data analysis and flow graph. Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society. :137–144.
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2003. Neural Networks and Soft Computing. Advances in Soft Computing.
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2003. Rough set theory and granular computing. Series in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. 25
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