Przemysław Głomb, PhD Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0215-4674Position: Institute ProfessorResearch groups Machine Learning Group Horizontal TabsPublications Biblio RSS 2024 1. Kołodziej, K., M. Cholewa, M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, W. Koral, and P. Sekuła, "Calibration of Water Demand Network Through a Machine Learned Digital Twin Model", 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI 2024), 2024. 2. Gawron, P., P. Sadowski, P. Głomb, B. Gardas, M. Van Waveren, C. Forray, G. Pasero, M. Savinaud, P-M. Brunet, O. Faucoz, et al., "What Could be Achieved with a Million Qubits Quantum Annealer in Remote Sensing?", IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2024. 3. Kołodziej, K., M. Cholewa, P. Głomb, W. Koral, and M. Romaszewski, "Efficient Numerical Calibration of Water Delivery Network Using Short-Burst Hydrant Trials", arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02772, 09/2024. 4. Cholewa, M., M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, K. Kołodziej, M. Gorawski, J. Koral, W. Koral, A. Madej, and K. Musioł, "‘Just One More Sensor is Enough’ – Iterative Water Leak Localization with Physical Simulation and a Small Number of Pressure Sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal, 06/2024. 5. Romaszewski, M., P. Sekuła, P. Głomb, M. Cholewa, and K. Kołodziej, "Through the Thicket: A Study of Number-Oriented LLMs derived from Random Forest Models", arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.04926, 06/2024. 6. Książek, K., "Assessment of symptom severity in psychotic disorder patients based on heart rate variability and accelerometer mobility data", Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 176, 05/2024. 2023 7. Ciemięga, A., K. Maresz, M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, P. Krupska-Wolas, and K. Prusik, "Hyperspectral Imaging as a Facile and Non-Destructive Method for Size Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on Porous Materials", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2023. 8. Strzoda, A., K. Grochla, P. Głomb, and A. Madej, "Link failure prediction in LoRa networks", International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC, Marrakesh, Morocco, IEEE, 07/2023. 9. Głomb, P., M. Cholewa, W. Koral, A. Madej, and M. Romaszewski, "Detection of emergent leaks using machine learning approaches", Water Supply, vol. 23, issue 6, 05/2023. 10. Książek, K., W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, I. Stokłosa, P. Ścisło, P. Dębski, R. Pudlo, K. Buza, P. Gorczyca, et al., "The analysis of heart rate variability and accelerometer mobility data in the assessment of symptom severity in psychotic disorder patients using a wearable Polar H10 sensor", medXriv, 08/2023. 11. Książek, K., W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, I. Stokłosa, P. Ścisło, P. Dębski, R. Pudlo, P. Gorczyca, and M. Piegza, HRV-ACC: a dataset with R-R intervals and accelerometer data for the diagnosis of psychotic disorders using a Polar H10 wearable sensor, 2023. 12. Buza, K., K. Książek, W. Masarczyk, P. Głomb, P. Gorczyca, and M. Piegza, "A Simple and Effective Classifier for the Detection of Psychotic Disorders based on Heart Rate Variability Time Series", Information Technologies – Applications and Theory 2023, vol. 3498, Tatranské Matliare, Knižnicné a edicné centrum, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, Univerzita Komenského, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, 09/2023. 13. Gardas, B., P. Głomb, P. Sadowski, Z. Puchała, K. Jałowiecki, Ł. Pawela, O. Faucoz, P-M. Brunet, P. Gawron, M. Van Waveren, et al., "Hyper-Spectral Image Classification Using Adiabatic Quantum Computation", IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2023. 14. Głomb, P., M. Romaszewski, M. Cholewa, W. Koral, A. Madej, M. Skrabski, and K. Kołodziej, "Machine Learning for Water Leak Detection and Localization in the WaterPrime Project", Wojciechowski A.(Ed.), Lipiński P.(Ed.)., Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 4, Seria: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej Nr. 2437, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2023, ISBN 978-83-66741-92-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366741928.: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2023. 15. Głomb, P., M. Cholewa, P. Foszner, and J. Bularz, "Continual learning of a time series model using a mixture of HMMs with application to the IoT fuel sensor verification", Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, FedCSIS 2023, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-20, 2023, 2023. 2022 16. Książek, K., P. Głomb, M. Romaszewski, M. Cholewa, B. Grabowski, and K. Buza, "Improving Autoencoder Training Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Network Reinitialisation", 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, vol. 13231, Lecce, Italy, Springer, Cham, 05/2022. 17. Grabowski, B., P. Głomb, K. Książek, and K. Buza, " Improving Autoencoders Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Clustering", Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, vol. 1716, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Springer, 11/2022. 18. Grochla, K., A. Strzoda, R. Marjasz, P. Głomb, K. Książek, and Z. Łaskarzewski, "Energy-Aware Algorithm for Assignment of Relays in LPWAN", Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 18, issue 4, 11/2022. 2021 19. Romaszewski, M., P. Głomb, A. Sochan, and M. Cholewa, "A dataset for evaluating blood detection in hyperspectral images", Forensic Science International, vol. 320, 2021. 2020 20. Głomb, P., and M. Romaszewski, "Anomaly detection in hyperspectral remote sensing images", Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Theory & Applications: Elsevier, 2020. 21. Masarczyk, W., P. Głomb, B. Grabowski, and M. Ostaszewski, "Effective Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification through Artificial Labeling", Remote Sensing, vol. 12, issue 16, 2020. 22. Książek, K., M. Romaszewski, P. Głomb, B. Grabowski, and M. Cholewa, "Blood Stain Classification with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Neural Networks", Sensors, vol. 20, issue Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis, 11/2020. 23. Romaszewski, M., P. Głomb, A. Sochan, and M. Cholewa, A Dataset for Evaluating Blood Detection in Hyperspectral Images [Data set], 2020. 2019 24. Głomb, P., K. Domino, M. Romaszewski, and M. Cholewa, "Band selection with Higher Order Multivariate Cumulants for small target detection in hyperspectral images", PP-RAI'2019, Wrocław, Poland, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, pp. p. 121, 2019. 25. Cholewa, M., P. Głomb, and M. Romaszewski, "A Spatial-Spectral Disagreement-Based Sample Selection With an Application to Hyperspectral Data Classification", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 16, pp. 467-471, March, 2019. Pages123następna ›ostatnia » Projectsiitis employee projects: 1. Development of an effective method for detecting small buildings in satellite images (IITIS/BW/06/25, 2025 - 2025) 2. Polish Research Infrastructure Network for AI Assisted Science (FENG.02.04-IP.04-0019/24, 2025 - 2029) 3. Quantum Art Academy: Quantum computing and AI training creating an innovative society (NdS-II/SP/0222/2024/01, 2024 - 2026) 4. A classifier for District Metered Areas (DMA) status based on large language models (LLM) (IITIS/BW/07/24, 2024 - 2024) (POIR.01.01.01-00-1414/20, 2021 - 2023) (POIR.01.01.01-00-0376/17-00, 2017 - 2019) (AIUT/2017/1, 2017 - 2017) 8. Development of system solutions supporting the analysis of crime and accident scenes on the basis of the data acquired by laser scanning and satellite measurement techniques (DOB-BIO6/18/102/, 2014 - 2017) 9. Badanie i rozwój wdrożeń demonstracyjnych inteligentnego systemu zarządzania stanami paliw i optymalizacji dostaw dla detalistów paliw płynnych (UOD-DEM-1-211/001, 2014 - 2016) 10. The development of mechatronic device for hand rehabilitation (HiTech-159414, 2013 - 2014) 11. Representation of dynamic 3D scenes using the Atomic Shapes Network model (2011/03/D/ST6/03753, 2012 - 2015) 12. Opracowanie i budowa modeli oraz metod implementacji inteligentnych systemów monitorowania liczników gazu (HiTech 182421, 2012 - 2014) 13. Eksperymentalne stanowisko do integracji i prezentacji widoków przestrzennych (N N516 482340, 2011 - 2013) 14. Implementation of a demonstrator of tracking, stabilisation, and panorama building for an airplane vision channel (-, 2010 - 2010) 15. Development of an algorithm prototype, and applications for tracking objects in images from airplane-mounted camera (-, 2010 - 2010) 16. Future Internet Engineering - 3D Internet, digital cinema, UHD (POIG.01.01.02-00-045, 2010 - 2012) 17. User interface based on natural gestures for exploration of virtual 3D spaces (N N516 405137, 2009 - 2011) 18. Study of binarization algorithms and develope adaptive binarization algorithm for implementation in Virtex IV FPGA (-, 2009 - 2009) 19. Interactive devices for rehabilitation of children and adolescents with impaired mobility (R03 046 02, 2007 - 2010) 20. Application of contourlet transform for coding and transmission stereo-images (3 T11C 045 30, 2006 - 2008) 21. Study of possibility based on the long term theoretical knowledge of the JPEG2000 algorithms and his implementation in the DSP TMS320C6414 and FPGA from Xilinx (-, 2005 - 2007) 22. Methods for indexing video image sequences (3 T11C 041 28, 2005 - 2006) 23. Study of possibility to use the JPEG2000 algorithm on the on the evaluation embedded system (IE64/1GHz) (-, 2004 - 2005)