

Institute Professor


Joanna Domanska obtained a Master of Engineering degree from the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, in 1994. She received her PhD in Computer Science in January 2005 from the Scientific Council of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice, and defended the habilitation dissertation in Computer Science in 2015 at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology. She has taken part in seven projects for the National Science Centre, Poland, and was project leader in two of them. She is a member of the SerIoT and the SDK4ED research teams, under the EU H2020 program. She is currently an Institute Professor at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IITIS-PAN) and member of the Computer Systems Modelling and Performance Evaluation Group since 1994, serving as leader of this group since 2018.

Her main areas of research include performance modelling methods for computer networks, particularly the modelling of network traffic intensity and the QoS related problems. Recently, her scientific interests have also been focused on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to networking research. She transferred her experience regarding the analysis of properties of the network traffic to create the Machine Learning-based approach to examine the LRD behaviour of the traffic. Another recent work was focused on the improvement of Quality of Service (QoS), energy-efficiency and security by using Self-Aware Networks. Her other research endeavours were focused on the IoT security and software security.

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76. Nowak, S., J. Domańska, M. Nowak, and P. Głomb, "Progressive 3D meshes transmission: traffic generating and simulation evaluation", Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 247–259, 11, 2010.
78. Augustyn, D. R., A. Domański, and J. Domańska, "Active Queue Management with non-linear packets dropping function", Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks Proceedings of 6th Working International Conference, Gliwice, Bałtycka 5, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 133–142, 1, 2010.


79. Domańska, J., P. Głomb, P. Kowalski, and S. Nowak, "Modeling of Internet 3D Traffic Using Hidden Markov Models", Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 64: Springer Verlag, 2009.


83. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "Implementation of modified AQM mechanisms in IP routers", Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, 03, 2008.
85. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, "The impact of self-similarity on traffic shaping in wireless LAN", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, 2008.
87. Domański, A., J. Domańska, T. Czachórski, and F. Kłębczyk, Sieci Komputerowe: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2008.


88. Grzywak, A., A. Domański, J. Domańska, and M. Rostański, Sieci komputerowe: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2007.
89. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, Podstawy Budowy i Oprogramowania Sieci Typu Internet: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2007.
90. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "The Drop-From-Front Strategy in AQM", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, vol. 4712, pp. 61–72, 2007.
91. Nowak, S., and J. Domańska, Sieci Komputerowe Aplikacje i zastosowania, vol. 2: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2007.


92. Czachórski, T., J. Domańska, and K. Grochla, "Dynamics of TCP/IP flows in presence of various AQM algorithms, a fluid flow approximation model", Third EuroNGI Workshop on New Trends in Modelling, Quantitative methods and Measurements: Politecnico de Torino, 2006.
93. Czachórski, T., J. Domańska, and K. Grochla, "TCP/IP dynamics in wireless environment, a fluid-flow model", Third Workshop on Wireless and Mobility: Technical University of Catalonia, VI, 2006.
94. Domańska, J., K. Grochla, T. Czachórski, and T. Atmaca, Nowe Technologie Sieci Komputerowych, vol. 1: Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności, 2006.
95. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, Nowe Technologie Sieci Komputerowych: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2006.
96. Domański, A., J. Domańska, and T. Czachórski, Nowe Technologie Sieci Komputerowych, vol. 1: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2006.


98. Czachórski, T., J. Domańska, and A. Domański, Wysokowydajne sieci komputerowe. Nowe Technologie, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, 2005.
99. Domańska, J., A. Domański, and T. Czachórski, "The influence of traffic self-similarity on QoS Mechanisms", Proceedings of SAINT 2005 Workshops, 31 January – 4 February 2005, Trento, Italy, pp. 300–303, 2005.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 01/08/2023 - 12:42; autor zmian: Łukasz Zimny (

Joanna Domanska obtained a Master of Engineering degree from the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, in 1994. She received her PhD in Computer Science in January 2005 from the Scientific Council of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice, and defended the habilitation dissertation in Computer Science in 2015 at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology. She has taken part in seven projects for the National Science Centre, Poland, and was project leader in two of them. She is a member of the SerIoT and the SDK4ED research teams, under the EU H2020 program. She is currently an Institute Professor at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IITIS-PAN) and member of the Computer Systems Modelling and Performance Evaluation Group since 1994, serving as leader of this group since 2018.

Her main areas of research include performance modelling methods for computer networks, particularly the modelling of network traffic intensity and the QoS related problems. Recently, her scientific interests have also been focused on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to networking research. She transferred her experience regarding the analysis of properties of the network traffic to create the Machine Learning-based approach to examine the LRD behaviour of the traffic. Another recent work was focused on the improvement of Quality of Service (QoS), energy-efficiency and security by using Self-Aware Networks. Her other research endeavours were focused on the IoT security and software security.