About the Institute

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences is a research institute whose science activity concentrates in the area of Information Technology. The Institute is also involved in training an advanced level technical and scientific staff and both initiates and participates in projects aimed at development of innovative commercial sector. ITAI takes part in realization of Polish Academy of Sciences' mission of advancement promotion, integration and dissemination of Polish science and contributes to education and national culture.

  • Date: 

    06/09/2022 - 11:30


    Abuzer Yakaryilmaz

    We start with a discussion on computational problems and algorithms. We define a generic form of decision problems, and then introduce deterministic finite automaton (DFA) as a basic decider. After having a few examples on the DFAs with discussions on their limitations, we introduce their probabilistic and quantum variants. We present a representative algorithm for each of these variants, followed by a discussion on the quantum advantages in finite automata settings. We shortly review the recent implementations of QFA algorithms on real quantum hardware.

  • Pierwsze miejsce w konkurise programistycznycm Classiq/Top prize in an international programming competition organized by Classiq

    We are pleased to congratulate our employees, Özlem Salehi and Adam Glos for winning the top prize in an international programming competition organized by Classiq. Adam i Özlem got the best score and created a quantum program for a task in which the problem was to solve Kakuro, a mathematical transliteration of a crossword puzzle. A detailed discussion of the task, along with a description of the proposed solution has been made available by the contest organizers.

  • The recent issue of IEEE Spectrum (400,000 subscribers) has published an article about professor Sami Erol Gelenbe: https://spectrum.ieee.org/erol-gelenbe-profile

  • Date: 

    01/06/2022 - 13:00


    Weronika Westwańska, ING Bank Śląski

    The topic of the talk concerns an innovative approach in the preparation of data used for training of convolutional neural networks for segmentation of color images. The problem of selecting training data and acquiring enough of them, necessary to obtain a model with the highest possible predictive accuracy, is an important issue in the topic of neural networks. Incorrect approach to it can cause that even the best prepared network architecture will not be able to generate a model that will work with satisfactory accuracy.

  • We are pleased to announce that on May 6, 2022, a ceremony was held on the occasion of habilitation in the field of computer science with simultaneous promotion to the position of professor at the institute by Dr. Bartłomiej Gardas.

  • Date: 

    14/04/2022 - 12:00


    Palash Pandya, Uniwersystet Gdański

    Gilbert proposed an iterative algorithm for bounding the distance between a given point and a convex set. We apply the Gilbert's algorithm with a few modifications and simplifications to get an upper bound on the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between a given state and the set of separable states. While Hilbert-Schmidt distance does not form a proper entanglement measure, it can nevertheless be used as a very robust indicator of the amount of entanglement.

  • Prof. Sami Erol Gelenbe will present the COMSTECH-MSTF Webinar on Energy Consumption by ICT: Facts and Challenges on April 18, 2022.

    For more information see:

  • Date: 

    03/03/2022 - 11:00


    Katarzyna Gawlak, Wydział Transportu i Inżynierii Lotniczej, Politechnika Śląska

    Innovation and searching for new solutions is a key element of continuous improvement of railroad undertakings' safety management systems. Therefore, supporting the existing systems with IT solutions gives wide and new possibilities for presentation and analysis of data collected in different areas of railroad companies' operation. Such a situation occurs, among others, in the case of information on events and incidents occurring on the railroad network.
