Tensor networks based on example of toric code


Anna Francuz, Uniwersytet Jagielloński


05/04/2017 - 13:15

During the presentation I will introduce the formalism of tensor networks and introduce their relevance to describe the basic states of many-body systems. Then I will introduce the simplest model with topological order presented by Alexei Kitaev, known as the toric code. On his example, I will construct a Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) tensor network that describes the basic state of the model and will present the purpose of my project, ie, investigating anion excitation statistics.

Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 05/04/2017 - 11:15; autor zmian: Zbigniew Puchała (zbyszek@iitis.pl)

During the presentation I will introduce the formalism of tensor networks and introduce their relevance to describe the basic states of many-body systems. Then I will introduce the simplest model with topological order presented by Alexei Kitaev, known as the toric code. On his example, I will construct a Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) tensor network that describes the basic state of the model and will present the purpose of my project, ie, investigating anion excitation statistics.

Data aktualizacji: 31/03/2017 - 14:33; autor zmian: Piotr Gawron (gawron@iitis.pl)

During the presentation I will introduce the formalism of tensor networks and introduce their relevance to describe the basic states of many-body systems. Then I will introduce the simplest model with topological order presented by Alexei Kitaev, known as the toric code. On his example, I will construct a Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) tensor network that describes the basic state of the model and will present the purpose of my project, ie, investigating anion excitation statistics.

Data aktualizacji: 30/03/2017 - 11:42; autor zmian: Zbigniew Puchała (zbyszek@iitis.pl)