
Found 69 results
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Puchała Z, Miszczak J.  2017.  Symbolic integration with respect to the Haar measure on the unitary groups. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 65(1)
Zawadzki P., Miszczak J.  2016.  A general scheme for information interception in the ping pong protocol. Advances in Mathematical Physics,. 2016:3162012.
Sadowski P, Miszczak J, Ostaszewski M.  2016.  Lively quantum walks on cycles. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 49:375302.
Miszczak J.  2012.  Generating and using truly random quantum states in Mathematica. Computer Physics Communications. 183:118–124.
Miszczak J.  2012.  High-level Structures for Quantum Computing. Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing. 6
Miszczak J, Gawron P, Puchała Z.  2012.  Qubit flip game on a Heisenberg spin chain. Quantum Information Processing. 11:1571–1583.
Puchała Z, Miszczak J, Gawron P, Dunkl CF, Holbrook J.A., Życzkowski K.  2012.  Restricted numerical shadow and geometry of quantum entanglement. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 45:415309.
Gawron P, Głomb P, Miszczak J, Puchała Z.  2011.  Eigengestures for natural human computer interface. Man-Machine Interactions 2. :49–56.
Puchała Z, Miszczak J, Gawron P, Gardas B.  2011.  Experimentally feasible measures of distance between quantum operations. Quantum Information Processing. 10:1–12. (247.71 KB)
Miszczak J.  2011.  Models of quantum computation and quantum programming languages. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences. 59:305–324.
Dunkl CF, Gawron P, Holbrook J.A., Miszczak J, Puchała Z, Życzkowski K.  2011.  Numerical shadow and geometry of quantum states. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 44:335301.
Puchała Z, Miszczak J.  2011.  Probability measure generated by the superfidelity. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 44:405301.
