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Prehn L, Foremski P, Gasser O.  2024.  Kirin: Hitting the Internet with Distributed BGP Announcements. ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2024).  (1.8 MB)
Foremski P, Gasser O, Moura G.  2019.  DNS Observatory: The Big Picture of the DNS. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2019.
Foremski P.  2019.  DNS Observatory: The Big Picture of the DNS. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2019.
Foremski P, Plonka D, Berger A.  2016.  Entropy/IP: Uncovering Structure in IPv6 Addresses. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2016.
Foremski P, Callegari C, Pagano M.  2016.  Waterfall Traffic Classification: A Quick Approach to Optimizing Cascade Classifiers. Wireless Personal Communications. :1–16.
Foremski P, Callegari C., Pagano M..  2014.  DNS-Class: Immediate classification of IP flows using DNS. International Journal of Network Management.
Foremski P, Gorawski M, Grochla K.  2014.  Source Model of TCP Traffic in LTE Networks. Information Sciences and Systems 2014.
Foremski P, Callegari C., Pagano M..  2014.  Waterfall: Rapid identification of IP flows using cascade classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science.
Foremski P.  2013.  On different ways to classify Internet traffic: a short review of selected publications. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 25:119–136.
Foremski P.  2012.  Tracedump: A Novel Single Application IP Packet Sniffer. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 24