
Found 21 results
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Gawron P, Sadowski P, Głomb P, Gardas B, Van Waveren M, Forray C, Pasero G, Savinaud M, Brunet P-M, Faucoz O et al..  2024.  What Could be Achieved with a Million Qubits Quantum Annealer in Remote Sensing? IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Ostaszewski M, Miszczak J, Sadowski P.  2020.  Geometrical versus time-series representation of data in quantum control learning. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 53(19)
Frankiewicz A, Glos A, Grochla K, Łaskarzewski Z, Miszczak J, Połys K, Sadowski P, Strzoda A.  2020.  LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm. Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.
Sadowski P, Pawela Ł.  2016.  Central limit theorem for reducible and irreducible open quantum walks. Quantum Information Processing. 15(7)
Glos A, Sadowski P.  2016.  Constructive quantum scaling of unitary matrices. Quantum Information Processing. 15(12)
Sadowski P, Miszczak J, Ostaszewski M.  2016.  Lively quantum walks on cycles. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.. 49:375302.
Pawela Ł, Sadowski P.  2016.  Various methods of optimizing control pulses for quantum systems with decoherence. Quantum Information Processing. 15(5)
Gawron P, Sadowski P.  2014.  Approximation of separable numerical range using simulated annealing. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:151–160.
Sadowski P.  2014.  Efficient quantum search on Apollonian networks. arXiv preprint.
Miszczak J, Sadowski P.  2014.  Quantum network exploration with a faulty sense of direction. Quantum Information & Computation. 14:1238–1250.
Sadowski P.  2011.  Efficient integration over the unitary group with applications. Journal Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 23:201–211.