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Semi-supervised hyperspectral classification from a small number of training samples using a co-training approach. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 121:60-76.
2016. Dimensionality reduction of dynamic animations using HO-SVD. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 8467:757–768.
2014. Natural hand gestures for human identification in a Human-Computer Interface. Image Processing Theory Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2014 4th International Conference on. :404–409.
2014. Aplikacje Sieci Świadomej Treści. Inżynieria Internetu przyszłości część 2.
2013. Compression of animated 3D models using HO-SVD. arXiv:1310.1240.
2013. Dimensionality Reduction of Dynamic Mesh Animations Using HO-SVD. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research. 3:277–289.
2013. Aplikacje sieci świadomej treści. Przegląd telekomunikacyjny. :1491–1502.
2012. Choosing and Modeling the Hand Gesture Database for a Natural User Interface. Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication.
2012. Choosing and modeling hand gesture database for natural user interface. GW 2011: the 9th International Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer InteractionWorkshop.
2011. The Effect of Multiple Training Sequences on HMM Classification of Motion Capture Gesture Data. Computer Recognition Systems. 4:365–373.
2011. .
2011. Unsupervised Parameter Selection for Gesture Recognition with Vector Quantization and Hidden Markov Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT. 6949
2011. Virtual Museum as an Example of 3D Content Distribution in the Architecture of a Future Internet. Computer Networks 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science 160.. :459–464.
2011. Optimization of a Vector Quantizer's Quality for 3D Mesh Applications. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 22:131–140.
2010. 3D Mesh Approximation Using Vector Quantization. Advances in Soft Computing. 57/2009:71–78.
2009. 3D Mesh Identification Using Random Walks and Hidden Markov Models. Image Processing & Communications Challenges. :302–308.