Our staff member Professor Erol Gelenbe has been ranked no. 1 in Electrical Engneering and Electronics in Poland

We are pleased to inform you that for Poland and our IITIS-PAN Institute's reputation, in 2023 our staff member Professor Erol Gelenbe has been ranked in 2023: 

- No. 1 in Electrical Engineering and Electronics in Poland


- No. 2 in Computer Science in Poland


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 03/03/2023 - 14:28; autor zmian: Krzysztof Grochla (kil@iitis.pl)

We are pleased to inform you that for Poland and our IITIS-PAN Institute's reputation, in 2023 our staff member Professor Erol Gelenbe has been ranked in 2023: 

- No. 1 in Electrical Engineering and Electronics in Poland


- No. 2 in Computer Science in Poland
