About the Institute

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences is a research institute whose science activity concentrates in the area of Information Technology. The Institute is also involved in training an advanced level technical and scientific staff and both initiates and participates in projects aimed at development of innovative commercial sector. ITAI takes part in realization of Polish Academy of Sciences' mission of advancement promotion, integration and dissemination of Polish science and contributes to education and national culture.

  • Date: 

    10/01/2018 - 13:00


    Mateusz Nowak, IITIS PAN

    January 1st 2018 IITiS PAN together with fourteen European partners starts project realization in H2020: Secure and Safe Internet of Things (SerIoT). Professor Erol Gelenbe is scientific coordinator of the project and IITiS PAN is coordinating institution. The presentation pertains to the issues relating to this project.

  • irector of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences announces an open competition for a PhD student / research assistant position in the EU H2020 Project: Secure and Safe Internet of Things (SerIoT)  (two positions).

  • We are pleased to inform you that three employees of the Quantum Systems of Informatics groups received a minister's scholarship for outstanding achievements.

  • Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences announces an open competition for a postdoctoral research position in the EU H2020 Project: Secure and Safe Internet of Things (SerIoT)

  • January 1st 2018 IITiS PAN together with fourteen European partners starts project realization in H2020: "Secure and Safe Internet of Things Project (SerIoT)". Professor Erol Gelenbe is scientific coordinator of the project and IITiS PAN is coordinating institution.
  • Professor Erol Gelenbe, a Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of our institute, have received one of the Islamic world’s most prestigious science and technology awards, the Mustafa Prize.

  • Prof. Klamka wraz z Dyrekcją IITiS PAN i prof. Warmuzińskim

    We are pleased to inform you that the Scientific Directorate of our Institute, Prof. Jerzy Klamka was awarded the Prime Minister's Award for outstanding scientific achievements. Today a short ceremony with our laureate took place in our Institute. It was also attended by the Director of the Institute of Chemical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Krzysztof Warmuziński.

    Official award information is available on the Premier's website.

  • Date: 

    08/11/2017 - 13:15


    Marek Kowal, Uniwerystet Zielonogórski, Instytut Sterowania i Systemów Informatycznych

    The automatic analysis of cytological preparations is very challenging due to complexity of cellular structures. Classical segmentation methods such as thresholding, active contours or watershed are effective only for simple cases where nuclei are well isolated from each other. Unfortunately, in case of cytological material this requirement is very rarely fulfilled. To tackle this problem, I propose the method which transforms cytological image into simpler form where nuclei are approximated by circular or elliptical-shaped objects.
