Signal Transduction Simulation in Nanoprocesses using Distributed Database Environment

TitleSignal Transduction Simulation in Nanoprocesses using Distributed Database Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMałysiak B., Mrozek D., Kozielski S, Znamirowski L
EditorTonella G.
Conference NameProceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on MODELLING, SIMULATION, AND OPTIMIZATION
AbstractSignal transduction executed in the signal cascades is the common term used to define a divers biochemical mechanisms that regulate processes in the nanonetworks. Those processes, in the first approach coping biocompatible solutions, can be performed in a closed area of space containing proper quantities of substrates and a set of control molecules working in a predefined manner determined by their chemical construction, including changes of chemical activity reached usually by the conformational changes. The control needs stimulation of inputs of the signal cascades in a nanoprocess cell from its environment. The signal cascades existing in the different type of cells for selected processes, can be retrieved from the biochemical research available in the specialized databases. In the paper, basing on a selected biological examples, the process of simulation of the signal transduction in bio-nanoprocesses using the distributed database environment is presented.

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