Priority Registers Mechanism for fair access to ring-type OPS network

TitlePriority Registers Mechanism for fair access to ring-type OPS network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsNowak M, Pecka P
JournalTheoretical and Applied Informatics
AbstractThe paper discusses the architecture of ring-type OPS (Optical Packet Switching) networks with QoS management. The electronic-optical nodes of the network enable optical packet switching within the ring and electronic buffered interface for a client. The differentiation of the quality of service was achieved by means of the system of priorities, and thanks to proposed mechanism of priority registers fair access to the link was achieved. This enables the network to be used for transporting various classes of data with varying requirements as to the quality of service. Simulation trials have been conducted and an analytical model for this type of network has been proposed.

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