Deep Learning Clusters in the Cognitive Packet Network

TitleDeep Learning Clusters in the Cognitive Packet Network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSerrano W, Gelenbe E
Start Page406
Date Published07/2020
KeywordsCognitive Packet Network, Cybersecurity, Deep Learning Clusters, QoS, Random Neural Network, Routing

The Cognitive Packet Network (CPN) bases its routing decisions and flow control on the Random Neural Network (RNN) Reinforcement Learning algorithm; this paper proposes the addition of a Deep Learning (DL) Cluster management structure to the CPN for Quality of Service metrics (Delay Loss and Bandwidth), Cyber Security keys (User, Packet and Node) and Management decisions (QoS, Cyber and CEO). The RNN already models how neurons transmit information using positive and negative impulsive signals whereas the proposed additional Deep Learning structure emulates the way the brain learns and takes decisions; this paper presents a brain model as the combination of both learning algorithms, RNN and DL. The proposed model has been simulated under different network sizes and scenarios and it has been validated against the CPN itself without DL clusters. The simulation results are promising; the presented CPN with DL clusters as a mechanism to transmit, learn and make packet routing decisions is a step closer to emulate the way the brain transmits information, learns the environment and takes decisions.


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