
Found 1492 results
Grochla K, Marjasz R, Połys K, Strzoda A.  2019.  Kolizje pakietów w sieciach LoRa w zastosowaniach smart city. Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny+ Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne.
Mzaouali Z, Baz MEl.  2019.  Long range quantum coherence, quantum & classical correlations in Heisenberg XX chain. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 518
Sadowski P.  2019.  Machine Learning Kernel Method from a Quantum Generative Model.
Buyya R, Srirama SNarayana, Casale G, Calheiros RN, Simmhan Y, Varghese B, Gelenbe E, Javadi B, Vaquero LMiguel, Netto MAS et al..  2019.  A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing: Research Directions for the Next Decade. ACM Comput. Surv.. 51:105:1–105:38.
Pan Y, Zhang L, Wu X, Qin W, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Modeling face reliability in tunneling: A copula approach. Computers and Geotechnics. 109:272–286.
Czachórski T, Kuaban GSuila, Nycz T.  2019.  Multichannel Diffusion Approximation Models for the Evaluation of Multichannel Communication Networks. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks - 22nd International Conference, DCCN 2019, Moscow, Russia, September 23-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers.
Li K, Luo H, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  A non-centralized adaptive method for dynamic planning of construction components storage areas. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 39:80-94.
Yuan J, Li W, Xia B, Chen Y, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Operation performance measurement of public rental housing delivery by PPPS with fuzzy-AHP comprehensive evaluation. International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 23:328–353.
Zhang L, Wu X, Liu W, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Optimal Strategy to Mitigate Tunnel-Induced Settlement in Soft Soils: Simulation Approach. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 33:04019058.
Siavvas M, Gelenbe E.  2019.  Optimum checkpoints for programs with loops. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 97
Siavvas MG, Gelenbe E.  2019.  Optimum Interval for Application-level Checkpoints. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, CSCloud 2019 / 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud, EdgeCom 2019, Paris, France, June 21-23, 2019.
Puchała Z, Rudnicki Ł, Życzkowski K.  2019.  Pauli semigroups and unistochastic quantum channels. Physics Letters A. 383(20):2376-2381.
Du J, Gelenbe E, Jiang C, Zhang H, Ren Y, H. Poor V.  2019.  Peer Prediction-Based Trustworthiness Evaluation and Trustworthy Service Rating in Social Networks. IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security. 14:1582–1594. (9.62 MB)
Gelenbe E, Zhang Y.  2019.  Performance Optimization With Energy Packets. IEEE Systems Journal.
Zheng C, Yuan J, Li L, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Process-Based Identification of Critical Factors for Residual Value Risk in China's Highway PPP Projects. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019
Kadioglu YMurat, Gelenbe E.  2019.  Product-Form Solution for Cascade Networks With Intermittent Energy. IEEE Systems Journal. 13:918–927. (638.93 KB)
Glos A, Miszczak J, Ostaszewski M.  2019.  QSWalk. jl: Julia package for quantum stochastic walks analysis. Computer Physics Communications. 235
Fiuk M, Czachórski T.  2019.  A Queueing Model and Performance Analysis of UPnP/HTTP client server interactions in Networked Control Systems. Computer Networks 2019. :366-386.
Ye Y, Hang XRong, Koh JMing, Miszczak J, Cheong KHao, Xie NGang.  2019.  Ratcheting based on neighboring niches determines lifestyle. Nonlinear Dynamics. 98:1821–1830.
Glos A, Miszczak J.  2019.  The role of quantum correlations in Cop and Robber game. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations. 6(1)
Diamantopoulos S, Karamitros D, Romano L, Coppolino L, Koutkias V, Votis K, Stan O, Campegiani P, Martinez DMari, Nalin M et al..  2019.  Secure Cross-Border Exchange of Health Related Data: The KONFIDO Approach. Internet and Distributed Computing Systems - 12th International Conference, IDCS 2019, Naples, Italy, October 10-12, 2019, Proceedings.
Diamantopoulos S, Nalin M, Baroni I, Clemente F, Faiella G, Mesaritakis C, Grivas E, Rasmussen J, Petersen J, Cano I et al..  2019.  Secure Cross-Border Exchange of Health Related Data: The KONFIDO Approach. 15th European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2019, Naples, Italy, September 17-20, 2019.
Domino K.  2019.  Selected Methods for non-Gaussian Data Analysis.
Babiarz A, Klamka J.  2019.  Selected Problems of Controllability of Semilinear Fractional Systems-A Survey. Intelligent Information and Database Systems.  (235.23 KB)
Czartowski J, Szymański K, Gardas B, Fyodorov Y, Życzkowski K.  2019.  Separability gap and large deviation entanglement criterion. Phys. Rev. A. 100:042326. (478 KB)
